
Pedestrian guidance takes many forms. On trails, there are guide signs at waist or mid chest height and relatively small. In a public plaza or broad bifurcation of paths in a park, a fingerboard provides succinct and literal guidance. The Cruciform/360 is a hybrid in that it allows trail signing with more detail, and is displayed on larger, double sided panels. Panels are sized and mounted at a comfortable, safe and easy read distance above the walkers and cyclists. The guidance is shown on 1 to 4 double sided sign panels. It is essentially designed for view above the crowd and can be used in a variety of ways from trail guidance to a list of destinations as would be used on a university campus or in zoo.


  • Options: 2–panel widths and 3-panel heights.
  • Panel placement on 1 to 4 double-sided panels for view from each approach.
  • Panels are fused image process (FIA).
  • Installation with concrete footing. Fabricated steel baseplate provided.
  • Structure uses sustainable materials and is “green” manufactured.  
  • Full assembly built for ease of installation.
  • Panels produced from clients’ design or Terrabilt design as requested.